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Chelsea Shearer

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All images, titles, and captions © Chelsea Shearer | 2022 | The Ag in the Basin Photovoice Project


Hannah Whitley

Project Coordinator

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This project is based upon work supported by the National Institute of Food and Agriculture, U.S. Department of Agriculture, through the
NIFA Pre-doctoral Fellowship Program under subaward number 2021-09465 and is made possible with support from a
Graduate Student Competitive Research Grant from Pennsylvania State University's College of Agricultural Science, 

The USDA and NIFA logo. Text reads "USDA" over two green fields. "NIFA" text is within a globe being held by a white hand with a green flower above the text.
Text reads, "Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences." To the left of the text is the Penn State logo, a white mountain lion in front of a blue shield.
Website © 2023 by Hannah Whitley
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